The Kate Languages Blog


Kate Languages
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep10 - Creating Resources
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep10 - Creating Resources Sep 13, 2024

In this episode of the podcast, I talked about creating MFL teaching resources - something I have been doing for many years now!

Here is a summary of the episode. Click above to listen in full.

Getting Started: Setting Up an Online Presence

When I realised I wasn't going back to the classroom, I ...

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Kate Languages
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep8 - Q&A
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep8 - Q&A Sep 13, 2024


This was my first Q&A episode of the Kate Languages Podcast. Here is a summary of the questions I answered in the episode. Click the "play" button above to listen to the whole episode.

Are you teaching your toddler any of your additional languages?

This is a brilliant question, and one that's q...

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Kate Languages
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep5 - Designing an MFL Curriculum
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep5 - Designing an MFL Curriculum Sep 13, 2024

Here is a summary of Season 1 Episode 5 of the Kate Languages Podcast, which was entitled "designing an MFL Curriculum". Click above to listen to the episode in full.


As an MFL teacher, designing a curriculum can be a daunting task. With so many factors to consider, it's easy to feel ...

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Kate Languages
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep4 - Classroom Management, Danish Style!
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep4 - Classroom Management, Danish Style! Sep 13, 2024

In this episode of the Kate Languages Podcast, I talked about classroom management strategies, based on a brilliant book called "The Danish Way of Parenting" by Jessica Joelle Alexander and Iben Dissing Sandhal. They have a brilliant website as well, which you can find here.

Classroom Management, D...

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Kate Languages
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep3 - My top 5 tips for improving/maintaining your skills as an MFL teacher
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep3 - My top 5 tips for improving/maintaining your skills as an MFL teacher May 04, 2024

Top Tips for Improving Your Language Skills

In this episode of the Kate Languages Podcast, I talkedĀ about how to improve or maintain your language skills when you're an MFL teacher. I shared some ideas and things that I do, as well as what others do, to keep their language skills fresh.

Here is a ...

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Kate Languages
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep2 - Teacher Wellbeing and Burnout
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep2 - Teacher Wellbeing and Burnout Apr 13, 2024


Talking about teacher wellbeing

This was my second podcast episode, and I felt a bit nervous recording it! Here is a summary of the episode (which you can listen to by clicking the "play" button above, or by subscribing to the Kate Languages Podcast wherever you usually listen to podcasts):


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Kate Languages
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep1 - Using GCSE-style activities at KS3
The Kate Languages Podcast - S1 Ep1 - Using GCSE-style activities at KS3 Apr 09, 2024

This blog post is a summaryĀ of the first episode of the Kate Languages Podcast, all about using GCSE style activities at KS3. I have since changed some of my ideas about this topic and as always, I would love to know your thoughts. you can get in touch on social media (I'm Kate Languages on both Ins...

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