The Kate Languages Podcast - S7 Ep1 - Q&A
Feb 11, 2025
For season 7 episode 1 of the Kate Languages Podcast, I answered some great questions from my lovely listeners. Here's a summary of my answers - to listen to the episode in full, click "play" above.
1. How Can We Increase GCSE Uptake and Motivate Reluctant Learners?
This remains a significant concern for many teachers. Before tackling this challenge, we need to consider why we want to increase uptake. Is it for job security (completely valid) or just for statistics? If students are being forced to take languages, we need to be realistic about motivation levels. While we should strive to make lessons engaging and relevant, we shouldn't break ourselves trying to make every reluctant student love languages. Focus instead on creating a positive classroom atmosphere and helping students achieve their best possible outcomes.
2. How Do You Break the Perception That French Is Hard?
French is challenging - there's no point denying it! Between harsh GCSE marking and competition from native speakers, it can be daunting. However, we might consider reframing this difficulty as an opportunity. Instead of apologising for the challenge, celebrate it. Present it as a chance for students to push themselves and achieve something impressive. The satisfaction of mastering something difficult can be incredibly motivating.
3. What Are Your Most Engaging Classroom Activities?
Engaging doesn't always mean easy or game-based. Sometimes the most engaging activities are those that genuinely challenge students. Presenting them with authentic texts or complex tasks, properly scaffolded, can be incredibly engaging as they push themselves to understand and achieve. While games and competitions have their place, don't underestimate students' capacity to engage with challenging material.
4. How Do You Incorporate Cultural Elements into Teaching?
Culture isn't just about festivals, art, and architecture - it should be woven throughout your teaching. When introducing vocabulary, consider cultural connections. For instance, when teaching animals in Spanish, include animals from South America. For sixth form students reluctant to engage with cultural topics, start with their interests and build from there. Remember that students might lack cultural capital in English, so meet them where they are and gradually develop their cultural awareness.
5. What Are the Different Approaches to MFL Teaching?
While there are many methodologies (NCELP, Conti method, Sentence Builders), I don't subscribe exclusively to any single approach. Having studied Applied Linguistics at master's level and taught for about 20 years, I believe in taking the best from various approaches. Consider your students' needs and don't be afraid to experiment. Creating an atmosphere where both teachers and students can make mistakes and learn from them is crucial.
6. How Do You Manage Speaking Practice in Large Classes?
With classes of 32 students across different ability levels, this is challenging. Consider using mobile phones for recording speaking practice, implementing peer assessment, and creating opportunities for individual attention while others work independently. You might set aside specific times for role-plays or speaking assessments while the rest of the class works on other tasks. Remember that in such large classes, you can't hear everyone speak every lesson - and that's okay.
7. How Do You Maintain Work-Life Balance with Children?
Organisation is absolutely key. Schedule everything - both work and family time. Since having my son, I've become incredibly productive within my limited working hours (9:30-2:30, three days a week). Accept that you'll be tired with young children, but try to carve out time for things you enjoy. Whether it's reading, exercise, or other activities, maintaining these elements of your life is crucial.
Remember, teaching languages is challenging but incredibly rewarding. Whether you're dealing with reluctant learners, large classes, or work-life balance, know that you're not alone in these challenges. Keep connecting, keep learning, and keep sharing your experiences with our wonderful MFL teaching community.
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